Monday 6 April 2015


Trial in criminal cases to be completed in 5 years

1)      The joint conference of Chief Ministers and Chief Justices of High Courts had decided to complete criminal trials in five years.

2)      CJI H. L. Dattu said that five year should be the maximum time to finish a case [at the district level]. The priority is that it should not go beyond two years.

3)      Constraints in implementation :

                                i.            Low judge-population ratio - 1:61,865

                              ii.            Lack of infrastructure

4)      There are 2.64 crore undecided cases in the subordinate courts and 42 lakh pending in the High Courts.

5)      Almost 96 per cent of the subordinate courts had been computerized.

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) started again

1)      CERN scientists restarted their “Big Bang” Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in a bid to probe into the “dark universe” they believe lies beyond the visible one.

2)      Particle beams were successfully pushed around the LHC, round the tubes of the 27-km underground complex, in both directions after a two-year shutdown for a major refit described as a Herculean task that doubled its power and its reach into the unknown.

3)      It will take around two months before particle collisions — mini-versions of the Big Bang begin and at least a year more before any results can be expected.

4)      Study of many billions of collisions in the LHC’s first run from 2010 to 2013 produced proof of the existence of the Higgs boson by 2012 and its linked force field, a long-sought mechanism that gives mass to matter.

5)      With its capacity to smash particles together at almost the speed of light and at a collision energy twice that of its first run, scientists hope that the revamped LHC will produce evidence of what has been dubbed “New Physics”.

6)      Among elements of this concept are :

                                 i.            The “dark matter”- thought to make up some 96 per cent of the stuff of the universe while being totally invisible

                               ii.            super-symmetry, or SUSY - under which all visible particles have unseen counterparts

7)      CERN will only gradually move towards applying the full energy now within the power of the LHC, mindful of two accidents/incidents leading to delays :

                                i.            a helium leak in 2008 that forced postponement of the machine’s first run for two years

                              ii.            an electrical fault that put off the restart, originally set for March, by two weeks


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